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Reads in a SALSA level4 FITS cubes and outputs basic statistics of the data cube (or a frame) as a structure and print them in terminal (optional). A histogram is also plotted (optional)


IDL> result = salat_stats(cube, /histogram)

Option Description Status
CUBE The SALSA data cube in FITS format required
FRAME The frame number for which the statistics are calculated (if not set, they are measured for the entire time series) optional
SILENT If set, no information is printed in terminal optional
HISTOGRAM If set, a histogram is also plotted (i.e., brightness temperature distribution of the data cube or a frame) optional
Parameter Description
STATS Statistics parameters as a structure
IDL> cube = './solaralma.b3.fba.20161222_141931-150707.2016.1.00423.S.level4.k.fits'
IDL> result = salat_stats(cube, /histogram)
 |  Statistics (data unit: K):
 |  Array size:  x = 320  y = 320  t = 1200
 |  Number of data points = 122880000
 |  Min = 4573.0864
 |  Max = 10635.463
 |  Mean = 7387.2971
 |  Median = 7326.9473
 |  Mode = 7299.1414
 |  Standard deviation = 518.84095
 |  Variance = 269195.93
 |  Skew = 0.55234913
 |  Kurtosis = 0.78927953
 |  Percentile1 (value range between the 1st and 99th percentile)= 6318.5532 - 8812.2432
 |  Percentile5 (value range between the 5th and 95th percentile)= 6645.1826 - 8361.0938
IDL> help, result
** Structure <29aff18>, 11 tags, length=104, data length=104, refs=1:
   MIN             DOUBLE           4573.0864
   MAX             DOUBLE           10635.463
   MEAN            DOUBLE           7387.2971
   MEDIAN          DOUBLE           7326.9473
   ...         ...            ...

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