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Displays a timeline with missing frames and calibration gaps and outputs corresponding info (time indices)


>>> import salat
>>> scans_idxs,mfram_idxs = salat.timeline(timesec,gap=30)

Option Description Status Default
timesec Timesec array from "salat_read" required
gap Time gap to considered two frames correspond to different scans required 30
Parameter Description
scans_idx Python dictionary with indexes for all scans in observation.
mfram_idx Python dictionary with indixes of all consequent sequences.
fig A matplotlib plot showing the timeline is produced.

>>> import salat
>>> scans_idxs,mfram_idxs = salat.timeline(timesec,gap=30)
>>> print("Indexes scans: ", idxscans)
>>> print("Indexes consequent frames: ",idxcqfrs)
------------- SALAT TIME LINE part of -------------
-- Solar Alma Library of Auxiliary Tools (SALAT) --
Indexes scans:  {'Sc. 1': [0, 299], 'Sc. 2': [300, 599], 'Sc. 3': [600, 899], 'Sc. 4': [900, 1199]}
Indexes consequent frames:  {'Sec. 1': [0, 149], 'Sec. 2': [150, 299], 'Sec. 3': [300, 449], 'Sec. 4': [450, 599], 'Sec. 5': [600, 749], 'Sec. 6': [750, 899], 'Sec. 7': [900, 1049], 'Sec. 8': [1050, 1199]}

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