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Reads in a SALSA level4 FITS cubes and provides information about the cube's dimension and other parameters stored as extensions, such as arrays of observing time, beam's size and angle. The SALSA datacubes have the following dimensions: [spatial (x), spatial (y), frequency (f), Stokes (s), time (t)]. Thus, depending on the availability of full spectra and/or Stokes parameters, the cube may have 3-5 dimensions.


IDL> alma = salat_read(cube, header=header, time=time, beam_major=beam_major, beam_minor=beam_minor, beam_angle=beam_angle)

Option Description Status
CUBE Path to the SALSA cube in FITS format. required
NAN_VALUE User defined value to replace all NaN values (outside the science field of view). optional
NAN_MEDIAN If set, the NaN values are replaced with the median of the entire data cube. Overrides NAN_VALUE if both are set. optional
SILENT If set, no information is printed to the terminal. optional
Parameter Description
ALMA The SALSA cube as an array. Information about dimension is printed in terminal.
HEADER Name of a an IDL structure to store header of the FITS cube (calls By default, the most important header's parameters with meaningful tag names are outputted as a structure. Extra keywords: add /all for all parameters in the header, and/or /original for their original tag names/abbreviations
TIME Name of a variable for observing time, in seconds from UTC midnight (optional)
BEAM_MAJOR Name of a variable for Major axis of the beam (i.e., ALMA's sampling beam) in degrees (optional)
BEAM_MINOR Name of a variable for Minor axis of the beam in degrees (optional)
BEAM_ANGLE Name of a variable for Angle of the beam (in degrees) which is defined as angle of the Sun with respect to the north celestial pole, i.e. the ‘position angle’ (optional)

Reading the data, header, time, and beam information from a SALSA data cube:

IDL> cube = './solaralma.b3.fba.20161222_141931-150707.2016.1.00423.S.level4.k.fits'
IDL> alma = salat_read(cube, header=header, time=time, beam_major=beam_major, beam_minor=beam_minor, beam_angle=beam_angle)
... data cube dimension: 3D [x,y,time]
... data set of dimensions x,y: 320,320
... number of frames: 1200
IDL> help, header
** Structure <231ecc8>, 136 tags, length=3840, data length=3803, refs=1:
   SIMPLE          BOOLEAN   true (1)
   BITPIX          LONG               -64
   NAXIS           LONG                 5
   NAXIS1          LONG               320
   ...         ...            ...
IDL> help, time, beam_major, beam_minor, beam_angle
TIME            FLOAT     = Array[1200]
BEAM_MAJOR      FLOAT     = Array[1200]
BEAM_MINOR      FLOAT     = Array[1200]
BEAM_ANGLE      FLOAT     = Array[1200]

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