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Reads in a SALSA level4 FITS cubes and outputs selected important header's parameters with meaningful names as a structure (default). These are also printed in terminal (unless otherwise omitted). All header parameters or the most important parameters with their original name tags can also be outputted (optional). In all cases, the outputted structure also includes the original header as a string (at the end of the structure)


IDL> alma_header = salat_read_header(cube)

Option Description Status
CUBE The SALSA data cube in FITS format (if the header is not provided) required
HEADER The header of the SALSA cube (if specified, then the CUBE is ignored) required
SILENT If set, no information (i.e., selected important header's parameters) is printed in terminal. optional
ORIGINAL If set, the selected important header's parameters are returned with their original name (abbreviation). Otherwise, they are returned with meaningful names (by default) optional
ALL If set, all parameters from the header (with their original tag names) are outputted into the structure. If set, other cases are ignored (i.e., the selected important header's parameters are not outputted). optional
Parameter Description
HEADER The header parameters as a structure
IDL> cube = './solaralma.b3.fba.20161222_141931-150707.2016.1.00423.S.level4.k.fits'
IDL> header_structure = salat_read_header(cube)
 |  Selected parameters from the header:
 |  Time of observations: 2016-12-22T14:19:36.623999
 |  ALMA Band: BAND3
 |  ALMA Project ID: 2016.1.00423.S
 |  Solar x (arcsec) ~ -0.0010000000
 |  Solar y (arcsec) ~ 0.0010000000
 |  Pixel size (arcsec): 0.32000000
 |  Mean of major axis of beam (deg): 0.00058374900
 |  Mean of minor axis of beam (deg): 0.00037963300
 |  Mean of beam angle (deg): 0.00058374900
 |  Frequency (Hz): 9.9990726e+10
 |  Water Vapour: 1.59800
IDL> help, header_structure
** Structure <29afb58>, 18 tags, length=2512, data length=2501, refs=1:
   SIMPLE          BOOLEAN   true (1)
   MAJOR_BEAM_MEAN DOUBLE       0.00058374900
   MINOR_BEAM_MEAN DOUBLE       0.00037963300
   BEAM_ANGLE_MEAN DOUBLE           71.311844
   ...         ...            ...
IDL> pixel_size = header_structure.pixel_size

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