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Compute and plot "mean intensity" and "rms intensity contrast" of a cube and indicate bad/good frames based on a given threshold. Gaps (due to ALMA calibration routines) are marked with Red dashed lines.


>>> import salat
>>> bfrs = salat.contrast(almacube,timesec,show_best=True)

Option Description Status Default
almadata Datacube as array from "salat_read". It can be 2D and 3D required
timesec Timesec array from "salat_read" required
side Number of pixels to be excluded from sides of the field of view prior to calculations of the mean intensity and rms contrast. required 5
show_best If True, location of the best frame (i.e., that with the largest rms contrast) is indicated on the plot. optional False
Parameter Description
bestframes Indexes of the best frames sorted (i.e., that with the largest rms contrast).
fig A matplotlib plot is produced.

Finding best frames and plotting RMS contrast for one cube

>>> import salat
>>> bfrs = salat.contrast(almacube,timesec,show_best=True)
------------ SALAT CONTRAST part of -------------
-- Solar Alma Library of Auxiliary Tools (SALAT) --

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